C.S.I. St. Peter's Church, Rathinapuri

Youth Fellowship

youth Fellowship

Youth Fellowships for many years, have been at the core of church. In the Tremendous Grace of God, the youth of CSI St Peter’s Church is functioning since 1984. Traditionally the group would comprise of church attending young people who would meet together after church service on Sundays.
The members of the youth have elected the Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and treasurer of the fellowship. The youth members are eagerly and enthusiastically involving and participating in choir and Sunday school ministry.
Our Chairman will conduct youth meeting on every second Sunday of the month. The youth members gathered in the church every Sunday 6 PM for a fellowship prayer. God has abundantly blessed the activities of the fellowship.
We are living testimony who worship, pray and receive the blessings from God.
If you want to be part of our Youth Fellowship, do attend our Fellowship in our Church. You can also Write to Us to know more about our Youth Fellowship.