Sermon Archives
Semons are archived in the Sound Cloud platform for the benefit of those who long for the Word of the Lord. Do listen to these Sermons and follow our Sound Cloud channel to get updates on new Sermons.
Welcome to C.S.I. St. Peter's Church Rathinapuri
C.S.I. St. Peter’s Church consecrated on 1st June, 1987 serves one of the main residential area – Rathinapuri in Coimbatore, South India. The Church now has an active congregation of about 700 families and has a steady growth and active participation from believers. The Church follows the standard Order of Service of Church of South India and hosts two services on each Sunday mornings. The church belongs to the C.S.I. Coimbatore Diocese.

Weekly Service
Sunday 07:00 to 08:30 AM
- First Service - Tamil -
Sunday 09:00 to 10:30 AM
- Second Service - Tamil -
Friday 07:00 to 08:30 PM
- Evening Service - Tamil
Communion Service
1st of Every Month
- 06:00 to 07:00 AM - Tamil -
1st and 3rd Sundays
- 07:00 to 08:45 AM - Tamil
- Youth Fellowship - Every 2nd Sunday - 11:00 to 12:00 AM
- Women's Fellowship - Every Friday - 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM
- Young Women's Fellowship - 1st & 3rd Saturday - 07:00 to 08:30 PM
- Sunday School - Every Sunday - 09:00 to 10:30 AM